About Radu Balas

Radu is the Founder of Publishing Addict and author of "Sell More Books Using Your Author Website | The Easiest Way To Brand, Build, Market, and Manage Your Authorship" Soon available on Amazon.

The Top Ten Must-Read Flying Books

The never-ending skyline comes with never-ending stories of adventure and vision. We have witnessed the great revolution of man being inspired by a bird that led to building the first working model of a plane design and flown by the Wright Brothers, which opened the doorways to many great inventions that allowed humans to travel via air. Literature has always been a great way to capture every single moment in history and give us the ability to learn and reminisce about all the ways the world has evolved. [...]

2021-06-17T12:04:37+00:00Marketing|0 Comments

SEO Audit Process to Boost Your Google Rankings

Google is the most prominent search engine today. Therefore, there are tons of business owners who want to stay at the top of its ranking. Your page rank is the place where your site displays in the Google results. When you are at number one, your web page will appear at the top of other websites. According to our research, you have to be at least included in the top ten to make your site useful in Google. It is because 95% of internet users never go to [...]

Top Tips for Growing Your Instagram Account in 2021

Are you struggling to grow your followers on Instagram? Instagram is a competitive place. In the social media realm, engagement is essentially considered a form of currency. The higher engagement your Instagram profile has or the higher the number of followers you have, the higher your online worth is. A cornerstone of any individual’s social presence, Instagram allows you to easily and steadily increase your IG followers by following certain tried-and-tested techniques. To put it simply, here’s how to get more Instagram followers: Make Your Account More Inclusive [...]

The Surprising reading habits of Millenials

Comedian Brad Upton joked about Millennials being the dumbest people he ever met. Why? They consume energy drinks, which they don’t need, use a debit card for a dollar and forty cents purchase, and don’t even memorize phone numbers. I beg to differ. I forgive him though, he’s a really funny man. Contradictory to this stereotype, Millennials are smarter because they read more - it’s just that how they read is different from what older generations did. In fact, new research shows that Millennials read more than their [...]

The 50+ Places Where You Need to Promote Your Books – Book promotion ideas

If you are interested in promoting your book and growing your community on a stable author platform you might also enjoy this LinkedIn article, where I have outline the foundation for your book selling platform. One of the many struggles of an author starts only after the book is published. Writing can be a struggle in itself, but is your vocation, your passion. But of course on the other hand there are many self-publishing success stories as well. Self-promotion on the other hand... Now that is [...]

Grim Commonsense: advice from FOR WRITERS ONLY

All my life I wanted to write—to be a writer, to have my work read by others and enjoyed, or even change their lives! And in my dreams I imagined them being read long after I was dead — in a kind of immortality. Now, decades later, I can say that I’m a successful writer, with three New York Times bestsellers and my work translated into some 25 languages, and I know my books will be trashed  and thrown away probably before another fifty years have passed – and there’s something [...]

5 Signs You’re Not In Alignment With Your Writing Dream

A few months ago, I found myself standing on the edge of my writing career. Up to that point, things had gone OK, but I just didn’t have the success I was dreaming of. I thought about quitting. I questioned whether I even had what it took to make my dream happen. After all, I’d been at it since 2008, wouldn’t I have made it work by now? I took a cold, hard look at where I was at and at where I wanted to be. And what [...]

Why People Are The Key to Addictive Stories

People are adorable. Infuriating. Comforting. Reassuring. Companionable. Seductive. Inspiring. Appalling. Frightening. Unforgettable. If you're a novelist, people are the magic. Period. Think about a book you loved. No don't ponder for very long, just give me a first impression. I'll bet my own weight in Harry Potter or Lee Child novels that it was a character. Maybe two characters. Maybe a group of friends, a family. A pair of lovers. A man and his sworn enemy. A kestrel. Of course you'll also remember the story too, and the [...]

Ten Things All Authors Need to Know About Copyright

If you write to earn money, you need to know about copyright law. Copyright provides the only legal protection you’ll have if your work is plagiarized, infringed upon, or otherwise exploited without your permission or fair compensation. Indeed, without copyright most authors would earn nothing because no one would bother to pay them. Here are 10 basic facts every author needs to know about copyright: Copyright is the federal law that provides legal protection for works of authorship. This includes writings of all kinds, art, film, photography, video, [...]

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