Who we are, what we do, and why we do it

Publishing Addict is committed to bringing the most powerful tools and marketing techniques in front of authors, both traditionally-published and self-published.  This is to enable them to create a high-performing author platform which will not only help them connect with their readers and sell more books, but also automate the process so that they have more time to write or enjoy quality moments with family and friends.

Meet the team!

This is the dream team, if you have any question please let us know.

Radu B.
Radu B.Ambassador of Buzz
Author & Path Curator
Madalina P
Madalina PCreator of Oportunities
Executive Assistant, Prospecting and Team Lead
Adrian B.
Adrian B.Real Life Artist
Graphic Design and Web
Horea O.
Horea O.The Minion
Wordpress and Customer Support
Claudia T.
Claudia T.Eagle-eye Organizer
Project Management
Marius S.
Marius S.Our Panda & Musician
Web Design
Cosmin S.
Cosmin S.Font Detective
Design Guru and Video Editing
Jen M.
Jen M.Weilder of Words
Writer, Painter, and Experienced Leader

We help people sell more books, by helping them build a brand, a Facebook page isn't enough anymore

Writing a book is one of the most fulfilling things anyone can do. It’s as important a milestone as getting married and having a child.

In fact, it’s just like having a child. You’ll think about it, wait for it to develop over many months, watch it grow, nurture it, give it everything you’ve got, and then send it on its way – out to the public to live a life of its own.

…and it will be part of your legacy,
something you’ll leave to the world.

But just like a child, after you have created it you need to help it grow before setting it in the world.

If you think you are JUST a writer you are wrong

No you are not just a writer, even if you are backed by a big publishing house, like Amazon's Apub, you still need to develop and grow your business spirit.

There are many tools that can help you grow your author business, believe it or not, writing, is just one of them.

And we are here to help you with EVERYTHING else, expect the writing part.

Why do we do it?

We believe in putting the best foot forward, and we truly want that for all our customers, we are working towards becoming THE best author website service provider in the world, the go-to team when it comes to building a brand online.

NOTE: If you are new to Publishing Addict, please make sure you drop us a line and tell us what you do. We would love to hear from you, and together will try to find a way to help you reach your goals. We have worked with many authors both people just starting out and authors who have sold millions of books. – radu@publishingaddict.com

What makes us different from the rest?

Besides our marketing and design skills we posses, we bring to the table a wealth of experience and knowledge, things that you even thought you need come standard with all our packages.

Thank your for taking the time to read this, if you want to learn more click here – www.publishingaddict.com