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The Top Ten Must-Read Flying Books


The never-ending skyline comes with never-ending stories of adventure and vision. We have witnessed the great revolution of man being inspired by a bird that led to building the first working model of a plane design and flown by the Wright Brothers, which opened the doorways to many great inventions that allowed humans to travel via air. Literature has always been a great way to capture every single moment in history and give us the ability to learn and reminisce about all the ways the world has evolved. [...]

Why People Are The Key to Addictive Stories

2017-03-07T09:22:20+00:00Author Website, About People, Book Editing, Book Publishing, My Blog|

People are adorable. Infuriating. Comforting. Reassuring. Companionable. Seductive. Inspiring. Appalling. Frightening. Unforgettable. If you're a novelist, people are the magic. Period. Think about a book you loved. No don't ponder for very long, just give me a first impression. I'll bet my own weight in Harry Potter or Lee Child novels that it was a character. Maybe two characters. Maybe a group of friends, a family. A pair of lovers. A man and his sworn enemy. A kestrel. Of course you'll also remember the story too, and the [...]

Blessing Babel: Writers Who Switch Languages

2017-03-07T09:22:29+00:00Author Website, Book Editing, Book Publishing, My Blog|

“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people,” wrote Thomas Mann. How much more difficult would writing have been for Mann himself if he had attempted to write his fiction in English rather than his native German. Exiled to southern California while the Nazis were in power, Mann did not abandon German to write his formidable novel Doktor Faustus: Das Leben des deutschen Tonsetzers Adrian Leverkühn, erzählt von einem Freunde (1947; Doctor Faustus). Nor, though living in Princeton, New Jersey, [...]

Bring Your Story to a Satisfying Close with Bookends

2017-03-07T09:22:31+00:00Author Website, Book Editing, Book Publishing, My Blog|

It isn’t always easy to decide where to begin – or end – your story. Many authors take too much time “warming up” instead of starting a scene where something is happening. Others (or the same ones) trail on too long at the end, perhaps trying to explain everything that happened. But a strong beginning and a satisfying ending are important – and “bookends” may help you decide what those should be. Strong stories have a distinct beginning (introducing the main character and problem), middle (where the character [...]

Amazon Pays $450,000 A Year To This Self-Published Writer


The London Book Fair lands on an unusually sunny three days in the capital. The scorching rays – rarely seen at all, let alone in April in the UK – seem at odds with a closed-off indoor book fair. But that hasn’t stopped scores of page-turner enthusiasts scouring the giant exhibition centre’s main floor, looking for publishers to schmooze, books to buy and advice to receive. It’s the advice from authors who’ve ‘made it’ that seems to resonate most with attendees. Seminars and workshops are scattered in between [...]

The Flat Tire

2017-03-07T09:23:26+00:00Case Studies, My Blog|

My stories, believe it or not, mostly come from my dreams. Well, possibly in part or as part of the germination. Usually, two or more ideas come together to form a story. I was attending some creative writing courses years ago in New Orleans, when one of my creative writing teachers told all of us that if we're short on ideas for a story, to turn to everyday items and occurrences as a base for a story. Well, it just so happened I needed a new story. I [...]

A journey of love

2017-03-07T09:23:39+00:00Case Studies, My Blog|

Writing for me is opening my heart in many ways. The pen and paper was a place I could share my most intimate feelings. I like many other writers feared sharing my works with others. Feelings of rejection or that people would not like my words. When my Mother passed away in 2010 decided to share my art and found myself on the road to self publishing my first book. It was a journey of love for me like the arrival of a new baby. Each step working with a publisher [...]

Self-Publishing – Reflections of a rookie

2017-03-07T09:23:54+00:00Author Website, Book Editing, Book Marketing, Book Publishing, Case Studies, My Blog|

Nearly a year ago, around the middle of February, I sat out to write down a few memories. For years, my husband and I have joked about the things we've done, the experiences we've shared and the characters that have floated in and out of our lives. Many of whom became family, and others only a phone call away. We've worn many hats, lived in several states, owned biker bars, ran stock cars, driven eighteen wheelers OTR and surrounded ourselves with a plethora of unique individuals. Mostly bikers, [...]

Rewriting Your Story – 5 Tips

2017-03-07T09:24:04+00:00Book Publishing, My Blog|

If you are thinking about writing a story, maybe a full length novel, then I hope I can help inspire you. I've looked back at the experiences I've had between now, and when I was a kid, and compared it to some other people's experiences, and I think I have five tips, which honestly, I think other people have shared with me from time to time, which will help you. They can help you write a better story to share with others, whether it is your own life [...]

How to Finally Admit that You are a Writer

2017-03-07T09:24:11+00:00Book Editing, Book Publishing, My Blog|

If you’re reading this you’re probably an author, or at least you want to be. I bet you have wondered how you get there. How do you go from wanting to be a writer to being an author with your name on the cover of a book? How do you get to wear one of those t-shirts that says “Ask Me About My Book – Published Author.”  Don’t you need to know what you’re doing? Don’t you need a college education? Don’t you need a history of writing [...]

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