Tips For Self Publishing A Book

The industry of self-publishing has continued to register a rapid growth as more authors continue to throw out new information. This information is also constantly upgraded and what a certain author says today might be considered wrong in a month according another expert or author’s opinion. The prices of self-publications keep fluctuating as competition continues to tighten. However, self-publishing makes it easier for you to publish your own work whether fiction, non-fiction or collections of short stories. Here are what I believe to be the best tips for [...]

Traditional Publishing vs Self-Publishing

Advantages of Traditional Publishing: Traditional publications attain more exposure and a wider distribution. The work of formatting, editing and cover art is the responsibility of the publishing company. They have a lot of marketing power. Disadvantages: It takes a long period of time to publish a single book, sometimes up to 6 months or more. Traditional publishers set the prices of eBooks way too high. The publishing company has power over the title and cover art. You must pay royalties to the publisher twice a year. As the [...]


To successfully publish to the Kindle platform, your book needs to be in the correct format. There are various ways to accomplish this. If you are proficient with HTML you can use Amazon’s own KindleGen software tool. Versions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Download the current version from: KDP Tools and Resources. If you use Adobe InDesign, you can download a beta plugin to convert your documents into the Kindle format. Another great tool that takes your Word document and converts it into Kindle and ePub formats [...]

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