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    How Can We Help

    We have helped hundreds of book authors, from the little guy who just had the first book out, to NYT Best Sellers. The CORE product and the most popular is the author website, where we:

    • Create an amazing website where authors can showcase their work, and tell their life stories
    • Manage the website for them – so they can focus on writing (including updates)
    How can you build an author brand with a small budget? Well it's easy, create a FIRST good impression.

    So, let me build your SOCIAL BRAND. Get a whole new image for your author brand and your latest book in just a few days, here is exactly what you get:


    Maybe you have seen at conferences or on the streets, its the “Ask My About My Book” Tee. It was called “A stylish way to break the ice about my book in person :)”
