I am pretty lucky; working for a newspaper I have access to editors and proofreaders that normal writers may not. I try to make their lives easier by doing self-editing, but I do this with caution.

It's kind of funny; I can edit other people’s stuff, but we get blind to our own writing. I love to ask the opinion of friends and readers or use Beta readers.

But if you self edit, here are some important tips.

Tips For Self-Editing:

☆ Wait six months or more. That is sort of tongue-in-cheek, because let’s face it: This in Indie World. Who has half a year to wait around with a first draft lying in a virtual drawer?

The point, however, is that the critical thing to do in a self-editing stage is to get your brain to forget what it thinks it knows about the words you wrote. Then it can look at your words as though someone else had written them.

One way to do that is to take some time away from those words, but as time is the thing in shortest supply for Indie writers, let’s move on.

☆ Don’t read it how you wrote it. You wrote it on a computer sitting at a desk in your office / kitchen / garage? Load it on your laptop and go outside.

Print it out. E-mail it to your Kindle (more on that later). But do something different if you can change the environment in which you were working. You write to music? Edit in silence.

Or vice versa. But switch stuff up. There is a psychological thing called “state dependent learning” which is another shortcut your brain will try to take if you let it, so don’t let it.

☆ Blow it up real good. Seriously, blow that font up to 40 points so your words are huge like billboards, you’ll be amazed how well you can see typos you might breeze by otherwise. And a misplaced comma will stick out like a sore, thumb.

☆ Read backwards. I know, this one seems weird and honestly, it has never really worked for me personally, but I know some writers who swear by it. If you start working from back-to-front on every word, once again your brain is going to catch stuff it might not otherwise.

It is used to reading only enough of every word to figure out what it is, then moving on.

That means if the word is close to correct, it will tend to keep going. But reading backwards, your brain has to look at the whole thing.

☆ Read it out loud. Yes, this one will make you seem psychotic at times to friends and family, but it really does work. Again, by doing this, you are forcing your brain (and actually different parts of your brain) to become much more engaged than you are by just reading in silence.


Self-editing should be all-hands-on-deck, so make your brain call out every man of the crew and set them to the oars.

☆ When you’re really rolling, slow down. Say you’re reading the part with the big car chase / gunfight / stolen plutonium recovery, and you are just cranking right through, thinking, “Wow, I really wrote this part tight and solid.” You probably didn’t.

What has happened is that you have engaged the part of your brain that wants to smell flowers and watch a dopey sitcom, as opposed to the part that wants to flick the light switch on and off three times, and wash your hands four times. You need the crazy, neurotic part of your brain to edit. That other part is going the wrong way.

☆ Use “Search”. We all have some phrasing, sentence construction, etc., which we favour, and tend to use over and over. After you have been writing for a while, you will probably know what they are (I start an awful lot of sentences with “Though,” or at least I do in first drafts).

Some of that is part of individual style, but some of it is just habit that needs to be slapped down a bit. If you know your characters “nod” an awful lot, use “Search” to count them and see if it startles you into cutting half of them out. Oh, and make sure you look for nods / nodded / nodding as well.

☆ Fire up your Kindle. As mentioned earlier, an e-reader can be of great service while self-editing. With most brands, you can “sideload” lots of file types directly from comp to e-reader with a USB cord (the same one you probably use to recharge the device), or in some cases you can email files directly to the device.

On a Kindle for instance, you just go to the “Manage My Kindle” page at Amazon and enter the email address you want your device to receive from, then just attach a file addressed to your Kindle’s own email account (yes, it has one, the address is listed on the second page of “Settings” right on the device).

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Radu Balas

Radu is the Founder of Publishing Addict and author of "Sell More Books Using Your Author Website | The Easiest Way To Brand, Build, Market, and Manage Your Authorship" Soon available on Amazon.